But first, what exactly is the Leonid meteor shower and what’s the big meaning behind it? Leonid meteors are some of the faster-moving fireballs in the sky, and they get their namesake from their radiant—or point of origin—in the constellation Leo. Leonid meteor showers occurs annually, usually from about Nov. 6 to Nov. 30. And if you’re keeping en eye out for the shower’s peak, it will occur on Nov. 16-17 this year, so mark your calendars!
And what an awesome opportunity for a stunning date night. Or, you know, a well-meaning attempt to connect with whatever emotionally unavailable Tinder match who doesn’t flake on you! (Pro tip: If your date is wishy-washy and responds to any and all texts with “hahah wow,” just buy yourself a steak dinner and watch the shower with a good friend. Save yourself.)...